MG # 72233, With the partnering Rotary clubs from Canada, RC Campbell River Daybreak and RC Campbell River, we have built tanks and toilets at 6 schools in and around Naivasha, each school had also to plant some minimum 500 trees each.
At Minera Primary School early 2010 we built one toilet block and water tank at Mirera Primary with funds donated to us from the R C Oxford, England
Sanitary towels, we have delivered over 1,000 packages of Sanitary Towels to needy girls who would have otherwise not been able to attend school

Note “ a girl from a poor family could miss/add up to two years of senior schooling due to the fact that she/her parents could not afford sanitary towels”
Polio Eradication, Recently with our association with the N H Fair and the RC Hurlingham, NH Fair donated some Ksh 250,000 to the Rotary Polio Fund
Munyu School In june 2010 RC.Naivasha was approached by Dutch students with a request if we could organise a community project they could work on. It was decided to build a water tank and 6 toilets with a urinal at Munyu Primary School (950 kids) in. The students did several fund raisings in the Netherlands to collect money (2200 euro) for the project. The money was transferred to Kenya to enable RC Naivasha to start the project early October 2010. Half October the students came to Kenya to finish the construction of the water tank and the toilet block.
Toilet Block, Building of a toilet block at the Local Market in Ihindu, also with our association with N H Fair.
Toilet Block Building of a toilet block for the Local District Hospital, this again was in partnership with N H Fair.
Baby Cots, Supplying of baby cots for the Safe House and the Catholic Church, we supplied baby cots, which had been donated by Homegrown ltd, we hired local fundis to renovate the cots and deliver them.
House Building, Building of a house for a Displaced Grandmother of 10 in Kiambogo, approx 8 Rotarians went to a village on the side of the Mau Escarpment where many many 100’s of house had been burnt down in the clashes of 2008, and we built a traditional house, 3 rooms, we camped overnight and had a lot of fun.
School desks, during 2008/9 we delivered some 600 school desks to projects that we had previously worked with, this is with the help of N H Fair
1500 spectacles, we had donated from the Kenyah Sistahs (American/Kenyan’s), some 1,500 pairs of spectacles, tested and noted of strenthgs etc, 1,000 pairs were donated to Nacohag and the balance 500 pairs were donated to St Mary’s.
3-H Grant # 66526, The project includes funding for diagnostic and surgical equipment, outreach clinics and the eye training program for local health care workers. Sponsor Clubs: Rotary Clubs of Tahoe Incline, Carson City, Tahoe City, Truckee and Alturas Sunrise (CA). Host Club RC Utumishi and we assisted in the project.
Opthalmic Training, Through our 3h grant we sent a Clinical Officer for Opthalmic Training at St Mary’s Hospital. We did this with the assistance of N H Fair and the C.O. from Nacohag went to St Mary’s and trained for 4 months, and is now treating “eyes” in Karagita.
IDP Camps, through our relationship with N H Fair, we have distributed over Ksh .5m for the various camps, which has now stopped. Also with we delivered seeds, tool s blankets food, and many other items to camps in and around Nakuru.
Jikaze, IDP resettlement, here we have assisted in the development of the “village”, originally there was some 150 tents and 1,000 people, they have purchased land and we have supplied tools, seeds, assist with schooling, and cooking areas, and other day to day activities. With RC Hurlingham we also supplied beds, window/frames, door/frames to enable the people to develop there own village.
Shelter boxes. During the post election violence a thousands of people were chased from their homes and ended up in Internal displaced People (IDP)camps. Naivasha was badly hit by the crisis. Rotary Club of Naivasha responded by facilitating the donation of 200 Shelter Boxes to the victims. For more information about Shelter Box please visit
IDP’s School Desks and Books, we supplied some 30 desks to the IDP camp in Naivasha, because of the resettlement of the people we still have some 30 desks in store at Lake Flowers, and it is felt that these should go to Local Schools (highway), and maybe the IDP camp at Longonot, re Jikaze. This should be done as a matter of urgency.
Rotary Club of Naivasha Safe House, (Car Project), Because of the type of work the Safe House involved with, we desperately needed a vehicle so the staff can go about their duties and be even more effective, we have delivered children to Mau Narok, Thika, Kisii, and many other far away places, we were seeking complete “Tax Exemption” for this project which would have given us huge savings.
Naivasha Children's Shelter, Chicken project, the funds Ksh 320,000 have been donated by Heritage Insurance through R C Naivasha, the building is finished and the project is ongoing, run properly this should enable the Children’s Shelter to sell eggs at a profit and sustain the children with Chicken meat, as birds need to be replaced every 12-14 months. total chicks 1,000.
Books for Beverley School (North Kinangop), these books were delivered to the School last year we hope to develop this school with farming supplies, seeds, fertelizerss etc.
MG # 52175 Solar Ovens Rotary Club of Naivasha has partnered with Rotary Club of Naperville for a Solar Ovens project at Upendo Village – Naivasha, benefit the womenfolk in Naivasha living with HIV and Aids. Upendo Village is A Project of the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi. Forty eight (48) Global, family size, solar ovens arrived at Upendo Village in September, 2006 after more than two years after the project was originally started.
This projects really learns our club about the challenges of importing equipment from oversea.
MG # 67840, Dental Equipment for a Clinic at the Siana Springs (Masaai Mara), This was completed and officially opened on 9th Jan 2009.
$52,650. Most of the Masai do not have access to dental care due to the distance between their village and the dictrict hospital, moreover more kids have cavities due to sweets given by the tourist in this extremely visited part of the Massai Mara. The Dental Clinic was establish by Dr Damazo, the equipment were donated through a MG with the assistance of the Rotary club of East Jefferson County, RC Auburn, Sunrise Rotary Federal Way, Port Townsend, Sequim.
MG # 61942 Kikuyu School Bus, this MG was done with the partner clubs of Bedford, Littleton, Cambridge, Belmont, Stoneham, Middleboro. A school bus was donated to Compass School in Kikuyu. The bus will be used to transport the kids and to generate income for the school. We delivered the bus in March 2008. At a cost of some $40,000.
MG # 23450 Sand dams in Voi River. The project objective as per the application was to encompass the further development of a water containment area including the placement of a further set of dams leading to ground water levels at which pump can be put into use again. A series of sand dams was constructed in Voi river whereby a consortium of RC Nairobi and RC Amsterdam (MG # 23362) and a consortium of RC Naivasha and RC Amsterdam Noord (MG # 23450) worked together with the Westerveld Conservation Trust (WCT) which was in charge of the construction. MG # 23450 sponsored one sand dam and at a later stage sponsored a petrol driven water pump at a total cost of $ 24,654. Since Voi river is a seasonal river people were only benefitting from the river a couple of days a year. Due to water table rise , as a result of the construction of the sand dams, people have now access to water whole year round.
Maternity Wing, In Karagita a maternity wing was constructed, and water tank supplied together with NHFair.
MG # 51265 Ambulance for Kijabe Mission Hospital. With RC Kingston district 7040. The original objective of the project was to purchase a second had four wheel drive vehicle to transport patients from rural areas to the hospital and vice versa. A second hand vehicle because funds were limited. However due to good contacts with Toyota East Africa it was possible to purchase a brand new duty free Toyota LandCruiser ambulance instead.
Highway Primary School, with the Rotaractors from Nairobi University, here we erected a fence around the parameter of the school, some 800 metres, supplied water tank , books, desks, and panted over 1,000 trees
MG # 51265. 100 children from the Kakuma Refugee Camp area were operated. This success was due to the average cost of operations being lower than estimated. We were also able to operate on children with Spina Bifida. The major success was that more local doctors and medical support staff are now trained to treat these children. Money was raised by the 5 Kingston-area Rotary Clubs through presentations by Kim Phuc.